PerkinElmer Instruments

pergo 2 Argon Nebulizer Gas Humidifier for ICPMS

Part No.: PRG-02


The pergo 2 enhances the performance of ICPMS systems when a dilution gas (UHMI, AMS, and Ar Dilution) is utilized. As with the main nebulizer, the argon gas used for dilution is very dry. pergo 2 includes a second port which humidifies this dilution gas stream in addition to the nebulizer gas flow, enhancing performance by further improving nebulizer stability. (Does not include nebulizer)


• Improved RSDs
• Improved short and long-term stability
• Improved detection limits
• Faster washout
• Ability to use high sensitivity nebulizers for high TDS samples
• Reduce long-term drift
• Extends the length of analytical runs

The unique pergo 2 design offers many advantages over other types of argon humidifiers.


• Higher, more consistent humidity
• Superior long-term stability for high TDS samples
• Safe and easy to use
- Atmospheric pressure water reservoir
• Optional USB communication for programmable humidity levels